Hubungan pengetahuan Ibu nifas dengan perawatan luka perineum di PMBAanDyah Tahun 2020/2021

Novitasari, Rista ORCID: Hubungan pengetahuan Ibu nifas dengan perawatan luka perineum di PMBAanDyah Tahun 2020/2021. Jurnal Kesehatan Samodera Ilmu. ISSN 2827-8739

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9. Peer Review hubungan pengetahuan ibu nifas dengan perawatan luka perinium di pmb aan dyah tahun 20.pdf - Published Version

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9. Turnitin Hubungan pengetahuan Ibu nifas dengan perawatan luka perineum di PMB Aan Dyah Tahun 2020_2021 (1).pdf

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[thumbnail of 9.Hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan perawatan luka perineum.pdf]
9.Hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan perawatan luka perineum.pdf

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ThecauseofmaternaldeathinIndonesiaisstilldominatedbybleeding(32%)andhypertension in pregnancy (25%), followed by infection (5%), old partus (5%), and abortion(1%) in addition to obstetric causes, maternal mortality is also caused by other causes (nonobstetric) of 32%. As a result of improper perineal care can result in perineal conditionsaffected by lokchea and moisture will greatly support the proliferation of bacteria that cancause infections in the perineum. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship ofmaternalknowledgewithperinealwoundatPMBAanDyah.This research use analytical method by using primary data and secondary data. The populationin this study is the number of mothers in the last 3 months totaling 65 respondents in June -August2017.Samplingtechniqueistotalsampling.The result of the research was obtained, good postpartum mother as many as 25 people(38,5%), bad woman with bad knowledge about 40 people (61,5%), postpartum who doperineal wound care 15 respondents (23,1%), and postpartum mothers who did not performperinealwoundcareasmuchas50respondents(76.9%).Inchisquaretesttoseethecorrelation between knowledge of postpartum mother and perineal wound care, p-value valueof0.000 (p <0,05) was obtained, meaning that there was a significant correlation betweenmaternalknowledgewithperinealwoundcare.Itissuggestedtohealthofficertogivecounseling about perineal wound care on postpartum so that postpartum mother can know theimportanceofperineumwoundcarebenefit

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > RI Midwifery
Divisions: Peer Review
Depositing User: M.Keb Rista Novitasari
Date Deposited: 27 May 2024 12:46
Last Modified: 27 May 2024 12:46

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