Karakteristik Pneumonia Pada Pasien Covid-19

Okenak, Susana (2021) Karakteristik Pneumonia Pada Pasien Covid-19. Diploma thesis, Stikes ICME Jombang.

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Pendahuluhan: Coronairus Disease (COVID-19) merupakan sebuah penyakit klinis sebuah permasahan krisis kesehatan global. Corona virus disease juga merupakan penyakit yang menyerang saluran pernapasan bagian atas yang akhirnya dapat menyebar hingga ke paru-paru. Virus corona tersebut dapat meninginfeksi saluran pernapasan atas dan dapat menyebabkan sumbatan diorgan pernafasan tersebut. Perbedahan gejala pada penderita pneumonia dengan covid-19 yang membedakan adalah jika penderita mengidap covid-19 dampaknya adalah demam,batuk,nyeri oto, hingga muntah. Namun jika infeksi tersebut sudah menyebabkan pneumonia, maka dapat menyebabkan detak jantung lebih cepat,sesak nafas, dan nafas yang cepat dan pendek, hingga banyak berkeringat tampak kebiruan pada bibir dan kaku. Tujuan: mengidentifikasi karakteristik pneumonia pada pasien covid-19 berdasarkan studi empiris 2 tahun terakhir. Metode: peneliti ini menggunakan literature review pencarian sumber data artikel melalui Google I J Indon Mend dan Google Scholar (2019-2021) untuk mengambil artikel yang sesuai yang diterbit dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Inklusi study desain menggunakan Studi kasus literature riview, survey riview, analitik. Hasil: hasil peneliti literature review dari 5 jurnal yang terdiri dari pneumonia berat dan ARDS dan pneumonia Akut. Bahwa hampir semua pasien covid-19 mengalami pneumonia berat dan ARDS yang di tandai dengan demam,sesak napas, sakit kepala dan nyeri tenggorokan. Terdapat pneumonia akut dan nosokomial pneumonia, berdasarkan penelitihan sebelumnya tentang infeksi virus corona yang parah, bukti serologis di antara pasien SARS. Selain itu, coronavirus sindrom pernapasan Timur Tengah (MERS-CoV). Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan Literatur Riview dari 5 artikel penilitihan dapat dambil kesimpulan bahwa mengindetifikasih karateristik pneumonia pada pada corana virus disease (covid-19) berdasarkan study empiris 2 tahun terakhir. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik, pneumonia, COVID-19 ============================================================ Introduction: Coronairus Disease (COVID-19) is a clinical disease that is a global health crisis. Corona virus disease is also a disease that attacks the upper respiratory tract which can eventually spread to the lungs. The corona virus can infect the upper respiratory tract and can cause obstruction in the respiratory organ. The difference in symptoms in patients with pneumonia and Covid-19, the difference is that if the patient has COVID-19, the impact is fever, cough, muscle pain, and vomiting. However, if the infection has caused pneumonia, it can cause a faster heart rate, shortness of breath, and rapid and short breaths, resulting in a lot of sweating that looks bluish on the lips and stiff. Objective: to identify the characteristics of pneumonia in covid-19 patients based on empirical studies of the last 2 years. Methods: This researcher uses a literature review to search for article data sources through Google I J Indon Mend and Google Scholar (2019-2021) to retrieve appropriate articles published in Indonesian and English. The inclusion study design uses case studies, literature reviews, survey reviews, and analytics. Results: the results of the literature review researchers from 5 journals consisting of severe pneumonia and ARDS and acute pneumonia. That almost all Covid-19 patients have severe pneumonia and ARDS which are characterized by fever, shortness of breath, headache and sore throat. There is acute pneumonia and nosocomial pneumonia, based on previous studies of severe coronavirus infection, serological evidence among SARS patients. In addition, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Conclusion: Based on the literature review of 5 research articles, it can be concluded that identifying the characteristics of pneumonia in corona virus disease (covid-19) based on empirical studies of the last 2 years. Keywords: Characteristics, pneumonia, COVID-19

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Karakteristik, pneumonia, COVID-19
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: Program Studi > D3 Keperawatan
Depositing User: A.Md D3 Keperawatan Mahasiswa
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2021 12:17
Last Modified: 08 Nov 2021 09:08
URI: http://repository.itskesicme.ac.id/id/eprint/5912

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