Pengaruh Batuk Efektif Pada Pasien Tb Paru

Awangok, Wihelmina (2021) Pengaruh Batuk Efektif Pada Pasien Tb Paru. Diploma thesis, Stikes ICME Jombang.

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Pendahuluan: Tubercolusis merupakan penyakit menular langsung yang disebabkan oleh mycrobacterium tuberculosa yang ditularkan melalui udara (droplet nuclei) saat seorang pasien Tuberkolusis batuk dan percikan ludah yang mengandung bakteri tersebut terhirup oleh orang lain saat bernapas. Penderita tuberkulosis akan mengalami tanda dan gejala seperti berkurangnya berat badan,demam,keringat,mudah lelah,kehilangan nafsu makan,batuk sputum berdarah,nyeri dada,sesak napas. Tujuan: mengidentifikasi pengaruh batuk efektif pada pasien TB Paru berdasarkan study empiris 5 tahun terakhir. Metode: penilitian yang dilakukan secara literature review,melalui database google cendekia,scholar (2017-2020) untuk artikel yag relevan diambil dari artikel diterbaikan dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia.Populasi yang berkaitan dengan tujuan penilitian yaitu adanya pengaruh batuk efektif pada pnderita TB Paru.Intervensi yang dilakuakan penerapan batuk efektif pada pasien TB Paru.Studi desain menggunakan ekperimental,control studi.Hasil hasil penilitian dari 5 jurnal yang di review terdapat hampir setengahnya dari tahun 2020. Tentang pengaruh batuk efektif terhadap pengeluaran sputum dan bersihan jalan napas yang tidak efektif didapatkan sebagian besar responden tidak dapat mengeluarkan sputum sebelum dilatihan batuk efektif sebesar 13 responden ( 54,2%) dan hampir seluruh responden dapat mengeluarkan sputum sesudah dilatihan batuk efektif sebesar 19 responden (79,2%) dan hasil uji statisik chikuadrat 0,021 berarti< 0,05 maka Ha diterima.Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan Literature Riview dari 5 jurnal peniliti dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa mengidetifikasih pengaruh batuk efektif pada pasien TB Paru,Berdasarkan study empiris 5 tahun terakhir,Pengeluaran sputum pada penderita TB Paru,Bersihan jalan napas pada penderita TB Paru dan Pengaruh Batuk efektif terhadap pengeluaran sputum. Kata Kunci: Batuk efektif, pasien TB Paru ============================================================ Introduction: Tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is transmitted through the air (droplet nuclei) when a Tuberculosis patient coughs and splashes of saliva containing the bacteria are inhaled by others while breathing. Patients with tuberculosis will experience signs and symptoms such as weight loss, fever, sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite, coughing up bloody sputum, chest pain, shortness of breath. Effective cough is a nurse's activity to clean the airway, which serves to increase the mobilization of secretions. and prevent a high risk of retention of secretions. After being given an effective cough action within 1x24 hours, the patient is expected to experience an increase in airway clearance. Objective: To identify the effect of an effective cough on pulmonary TB patients based on an empirical study of the last 5 years. Methods: The research was carried out in a literature review, through the google scholar database, scholars (2017-2020) for relevant articles taken from the best articles in English and Indonesian. The population related to the research objective is the effect of effective cough on pulmonary TB patients. the application of effective coughing in pulmonary TB patients. Study design using experimental, control studies. Inclusion study design using quasi-experimental and chi squared 0.021 means <0.05 then Ha is accepted meaning that there is an effect of effective coughing on sputum production in pulmonary TB patients. The results of the 5 journals reviewed are almost half from 2020. About the effect of effective coughing against sputum production and ineffective airway clearance. Conclusion: Based on the Literature Review of 5 research journals, it can be concluded that identifying the effect of effective coughing on patients with pulmonary TB, based on empirical studies of the last 5 years, sputum production in patients with pulmonary TB, clearing the airway in patients with pulmonary TB and the effect of an effective cough on sputum production. Keywords: Effective cough, Pulmonary TB patient

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Batuk efektif, pasien TB Paru
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: Program Studi > D3 Keperawatan
Depositing User: A.Md D3 Keperawatan Mahasiswa
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2021 12:09
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2021 12:20

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