Rizki, Herwin Ida Nur (2021) Perbedaan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Preeklampsia Dengan Kehamilan Normal. Diploma thesis, STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang.
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ABSTRAK PERBEDAAN KADAR HEMOGLOBIN PADA IBU HAMILPREEKLAMPSIA DENGAN KEHAMILAN NORMAL Literature Review Oleh : Herwin Ida Nur Rizki 181310027 Preeklampsia (PE) merupakan hipertensi yang terjadi dalam kehamilan disertai dengan proteinuria serta edema yang muncul setelah kehamilan minggu ke-20. Penyebab preeklampsia masih belum diketahui secara pasti sehingga disebut “the disease of theories”. Penurunan pada sejumlah organ serta sistem diperkirakan sebagai akibat dari gangguan vasokonstriksi umum serta fungsi sel endotel yang abnormal atau disfungsi endotel. Selain itu terjadi penurunan volume plasma yang menyebabkan terjadi peningkatan hemokonsentrasi setelah itu terjadi peningkatan viskositas darah yang diidentifikasi dengan terjadinya peningkatan kadar hemoglobin. Preeklampsia adalah penyebab kematian ibu hamil dan perinatal di Indonesia. Menurut Dinkes Provinsi Jawa Timur bahwa angka kematian ibu pada tahun 2019 yaitu preeklampsia/eklampsia sebesar 31,15%. Tujuan literature review ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil preeklampsia dengan kehamilan normal. Metode dalam pencarian sumber data artikel dilakukan melalui database Pubmed, Research Gate, dan Google Scholar dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir (2016-2021) sebanyak 6 jurnal. Desain penelitian yaitu literature review dengan format PICOS. Populasi yang dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin adalah ibu hamil baik preeklampsia dan ibu hamil normal. Berdasarkan hasil literature review dari 6 jurnal bahwa kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil preeklampsia lebih tinggi dibandingkan ibu hamil normal dengan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin > 11 g/dL. Berdasarkan literature review dari 6 jurnal dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil preeklampsia lebih tinggi daripada ibu hamil normal atau kehamilan normal, dengan peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil preeklampsia terjadi karena beberapa faktor penyebabnya (multiple causation). Kata Kunci : Hemoglobin, Preeklampsia, Kehamilan Normal ======================================================== ABSTRACT DIFFERENCES IN HEMOGLOBIN LEVELS IN PREECLAMPSIA PREGNANCY WOMEN AND NORMAL PREGNANCY Literature Review By : Herwin Ida Nur Rizki 181310027 Preeclampsia (PE) is hypertension that occurs in pregnancy accompanied by proteinuria and edema that appears after pregnancy in the 20th week. The cause of preeclampsia is still not known with certainty so it is called "the disease of theories". Decreases in a number of organs and systems is thought to result from impaired generalized vasoconstriction as well as abnormal endothelial cell function or endothelial dysfunction. In addition, there is a decrease in plasma volume which causes an increase in hemoconcentration after that an increase in blood viscosity is identified by an increase in hemoglobin levels. Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal death in Indonesia. According to the East Java Provincial Health stated that the maternal mortality rate in 2019 was preeclampsia/eclampsia by 31.15%. The purpose of this review was to know the differences in levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women with normal pregnancy preeclampsia. The method in searching for article data sources was carried out through the Pubmed, Research Gate, and Google Scholar databases in the last five years (2016-2021) as many as 6 journals. The research design was a literature review with the PICOS format. The population whose hemoglobin levels were checked were pregnant women, both preeclampsia and normal pregnant women. Based on the results of a literature review from 6 journals that hemoglobin levels in pre-eclamptic pregnant women were higher than normal pregnant women with an average hemoglobin level of > 11 g/dL. Based on a literature review from 6 journals, it can be concluded that the average hemoglobin level in pre-eclamptic pregnant women is higher than normal pregnant women or normal pregnancies with increased hemoglobin levels in preeclamptic pregnant women due to multiple causation factors. Keywords: Hemoglobin, Preeclampsia, Normal Pregnancy
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Hemoglobin, Preeklampsia, Kehamilan Normal |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RH Health Analyst |
Divisions: | Program Studi > D3 Analis Kesehatan |
Depositing User: | A.Md.AK D3 Analis Kesehatan Mahasiswa |
Date Deposited: | 07 Oct 2021 10:02 |
Last Modified: | 07 Oct 2021 10:02 |
URI: | http://repository.itskesicme.ac.id/id/eprint/5708 |
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